Consulting services, training, courses for personnel and training for
employees for companies of all kinds of industries in Mexico and abroad,
in person and online.
Development of materials related to personnel training.
Evaluation of the work environment, as well as the implementation of action plans and
monitoring related to compliance with Official Mexican Standards in
labor and related matters.
Organization and execution of recreational activities for labor personnel,
integration events, business and related events.
Advice and Coaching and advice to open businesses in Latin America in
administration and operation in general.
Application of socioeconomic studies.
Preparation of communication plans, communication diagnosis studies internal and external and corporate image development.
The administration of Human Resources is from public and/or private companies
or any other persons, physical or moral, as well as the supply of
directly or indirectly, as a contractor, subcontractor, third party, or any other
similar, of professional, technical and/or qualified personnel to any type of companies and
physical and/or legal persons.
The provision of specialized services for the recruitment, hiring,
management, administration of professionals for individuals or legal entities, with
knowledge and/or professional, technical and specialized studies, so that
provide training, training and training services to all types of
persons, whether physical or moral, who carry out any type of lawful activity,
related to the social purpose, as well as consulting, design, preparation and development of projects, information processing, programs and telecommunications.
Provision of services related to computing, purchase and sale of equipment
Implementation and administration of the payroll and in general, any type of
activity related to relations with personnel administration, service
administration, specializing in payroll in different industries.
The provision of services related to "call center" and "contact center" as well as
services related to information technology and telecommunications,
consulting, design, development, production, integration, implementation, operation,
maintenance, repair, import, distribution, export, marketing and
monitoring of programs and platforms, social networks, mobile applications and
computer information systems, communication systems and networks
computers (“software”), as well as the parts that compose them (“hardware”),
related to the consulting industry, training, courses for personnel and
training employees for companies of all types of industries in Mexico and in
The training and FORMATION of people, in the activities that
include the previous items of its corporate purpose, in accordance with plans, programs and
previously established courses; either without or with recognition of official validity.
Provide all kinds of services and advice necessary to promote, create,
develop and organize industrial, commercial and administrative companies, in
Mexico and abroad. Likewise, receiving said services from a contracted third party
according to law.
Carry out, provide and receive technical assistance, advice, consultancy, be it
organization, work methods, planning, productivity,
safety and hygiene, civil protection, total quality, continuous improvement of
processes and services related to the social purpose.
Direct or indirect advice to public or private institutions, centers of
educational teaching and natural or legal persons, who are dedicated to objects
similar or related to those of the company.
The creation, implementation, teaching and/or participation of courses, events,
symposiums, conferences, round tables, workshops, fairs, activities and
participation in the country and abroad, in legal, accounting,
administrative, financial, fiscal, safety and hygiene, civil protection, improvement
continuous processes, commercial, for the training and training of all types of
persons, whether physical or moral, the centralized or parastatal public administration,
public or private companies, complying with each and every one of the provisions
laws that apply in our country.
Act as an external or internal training agent for individuals, legal entities of
Mexican or foreign nationality, for the achievement of its corporate purpose and
primary activity.